The support of friends

There’s something to be said for the support of friends.

My positions at work were eliminated in June in a fairly typical corporate fashion. However, I was not alone. Altogether, there were about five of us in the “administrative” category and a few of the “support personnel” which led to a long chain of bumping. It was a surprise, but not completely unexpected. Holding two part-time positions makes for easy pickings when budgets seek staff reduction. Nevertheless, the shock of the suddenness of it all lasted quite a while. Fortunately, my husband still works there with an added level of responsibility due to other departures.

The people I left behind are generous, thoughtful, amazing individuals. Even those affiliated from a distance reached out to offer their support. Many kind words were said and written.

Today, those people arranged an after work gathering on a whim. It was heartwarming to see all the familiar faces and get a chance to catch up with them about their trips, a child’s wedding, and our trip. Some were tan and blonde-streaked from days in the sun and others looked pretty crispy from time on the water. Jobs may come and go, but it is the people who matter. And for that, I am grateful.


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